What no one is telling you about having your child evaluated for learning and attention issues — Part 1


How are you doing on your journey to get your child evaluated? Are you getting what you need? Feeling emotional? Overwhelmed? Confused?

You are so far from alone.

The journey to getting your child evaluated for learning and attention issues is filled with anxiety and questions for every parent who embarks on it.

Gathering as much information about the process as possible can help you feel more confident and prepared during the process.

You know that — that’s why you’ve been googling for weeks!

There is a lot of good information on the internet that can help you learn about evaluations. But over my 15+ year career supporting students and parents, I’ve discovered that there are three pieces of information that up til now have been nowhere to be found.

There are plenty of folks telling parents that the evaluation process is stressful, and they need to move past that stress for the sake of their child, but no one tells you how to manage your anxiety about it

There are a ton of resources explaining how powerful an evaluation process can be, but nowhere have I seen a resource explaining how getting the most power out of the process might have nothing to do with diagnosis.

And I’ve heard multiple experts talk about how evaluation can help parents understand their children better, but none describing how it can improve your relationship with your child.

So, I’ve written this multi-part series to share the knowledge that I know can breathe new life into parents on this journey.

Why me?

I’m an academic coach and founder of School Without Suffering. I help students who struggle with school anxiety feel and do better at school and at home.

I do this by guiding students along my signature Student Success Roadmap in the School Without Suffering Student Membership.

I’m also a highly-qualified, award-winning teacher who’s been educating students with diverse learning needs for more than a decade.

Over that time, I’ve taught students in grades K-16+ in a wide variety of settings, including traditional public school, home school, private tutoring, and hospital school programs.

I’ve combined my teaching experience with my knowledge of neuroscience and education principles to create a compassionate, neuroscience-based approach to academic coaching that works.

Here are a few quick facts you should know about me:

  • I earned my Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology and Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from Emory University
  • I completed my Master of Education in Technology, Innovation, and Education at Harvard University
  • I’m on a mission to help students feel and do better in school through mindset, systems, and consistent practice

The three things I’m going to share with you in this series aren’t anywhere else on the internet. I know — I looked! But they change the game for parents and caregivers who are considering having their child evaluated for learning and attention issues and want to do it right.

Without knowing these three things, you are likely to go into the evaluation process from a disempowered stance. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a fruitful process, or even a positive one.

But with these three pieces of knowledge, you will be empowered to get the most out of your child’s evaluation, and you’ll be able to feel your best going into it.

Considering having your child evaluated for learning and attention issues can be scary, but you are not alone. And I wrote this series for you, so that by the time you read the next five pages, you’ll have all the confidence and hope you need to take the best next step for your family.

The bottom line?

I’m here to help your child be happy and successful, and I’m here to help you take the first steps to get them there.


Don’t want to wait to read Part 2? Click here to download the entire five-part series on what no one is telling you about having your child evaluated for learning and attention issues right now for free.

Laura Fragomeni

Founder & Principal Academic Coach

Laura Fragomeni, Ed.M.


Laura Fragomeni is a Harvard-educated master academic coach and the founder of School Without Suffering, an academic coaching practice specializing in helping struggling students around the world be happy and successful.


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