What no one is telling you about having your child evaluated for learning and attention issues — Part 1


How are you doing on your journey to get your child evaluated? Are you getting what you need? Feeling emotional? Overwhelmed? Confused? You are so far from alone. The journey to getting your child evaluated for learning and attention issues is filled with anxiety and questions for every parent who embarks on it. Gathering as much information… Continue reading What no one is telling you about having your child evaluated for learning and attention issues — Part 1

What to do if your child starts to struggle during the school year


The school year is underway, and you’ve used every tool in your School Without Suffering Back to School Sur-THRIVE-al Kit to set your kid up for success. You’ve planned, you’ve got your systems in place, you’ve talked with each of their teachers. But there’s a voice in the back of your head asking, “What if… Continue reading What to do if your child starts to struggle during the school year

3 stress-management strategies that will have the whole house breathing easier


If you don’t know me, I’m an academic coach specializing in supporting executive function. My students’ primary struggles run the gamut from time management to procrastination to paralyzing math or writing anxiety. But no matter what the primary reason for seeking me out is, one thing all of my students have in common is that… Continue reading 3 stress-management strategies that will have the whole house breathing easier

The 4-Step Time & Energy Management System that Teens & Tweens Love


As an academic coach and human who interacts with folks who have kids online, all through August, I’ve seen quite a few social media comments that look like some version of this: “Does anyone have tips for helping manage my kid’s transition to the middle/high school workload? Honestly, I’m expecting (and dreading) that I will… Continue reading The 4-Step Time & Energy Management System that Teens & Tweens Love

How to introduce yourself to your kids’ new teachers PLUS the email templates to do it with


“Last November, the CDC reported that mental health visits to emergency rooms increased by 31% for kids between the ages of 12 to 17.” This is a line from a Medium post I read yesterday. The author’s daughter had contributed to this statistic. She had a mental health crisis in July 2020 that landed her… Continue reading How to introduce yourself to your kids’ new teachers PLUS the email templates to do it with

11 Reflection questions to ask your kids each week, month, and year


One of the most important goals I have for students is that they feel empowered to achieve their goals and create the academic experience they want to have. And one of the most important skills I help them develop to achieve that goal is self-reflection.  By asking targeted reflection questions each time I speak with… Continue reading 11 Reflection questions to ask your kids each week, month, and year